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How to Avoid Inheritance Tax in England

Inheritance tax stands as one of the critical considerations for individuals managing their estate planning in England. With estates valued over the £325,000 threshold currently taxed at 40%, understanding and navigating the complexities of IHT is essential for anyone looking to pass on their wealth efficiently. The significance of IHT, coupled with the importance of early planning, cannot be overstated. By engaging in proactive measures, individuals can significantly reduce, or in some cases, completely avoid the IHT liability on their estates, ensuring that their assets are distributed according to their wishes and not consumed by taxes.

what is inheritance tax

Understanding Inheritance Tax

What is Inheritance Tax?

IHT is a tax levied on the estate of a deceased person, including all property, money, and possessions, that exceeds certain thresholds. It's a tax that demands attention and understanding from all who wish to pass on their assets to their loved ones with minimal tax implications.

Who Has to Pay Inheritance Tax?

IHT is payable on an estate when its value surpasses the nil-rate band (NRB), which is set at £325,000 for an individual. This tax applies not only to the assets and property within the UK but also to global assets held by the deceased.

On What Assets?

IHT encompasses almost all forms of assets, including real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal possessions. Certain assets, however, such as those held in trust or given away as gifts during the deceased's lifetime, may have different implications for IHT, depending on various factors and exemptions.

How Is IHT Calculated?

Calculating IHT starts with the total value of the estate. From this, any debts, including funeral expenses, are deducted, along with any gifts made to charities, which are exempt from IHT. The remaining amount is then assessed against the NRB, and any value above this threshold is subject to IHT at 40%.

The Nil-Rate Band (NRB) and Residence Nil-Rate Band (RNRB)

The NRB is the amount up to which an estate is not liable for IHT. The current NRB is £325,000 per person. The Residence Nil-Rate Band (RNRB), an additional allowance, is set at £175,000 and applies when a main residence is passed on death to direct descendants. This allowance is designed to make it easier for families to pass on the family home without incurring significant IHT liabilities.

How to Avoid Inheritance Tax

Gifts and Exemptions

One of the most effective strategies for reducing IHT liability is through making gifts. The UK tax system encourages gifting with several exemptions:

Potentially Exempt Transfers (PETs): Gifts made more than seven years before death are exempt from IHT, highlighting the importance of early planning. If the giver dies within those seven years, the tax payable reduces on a sliding scale known as taper relief.

Annual Exemption: Individuals can give away £3,000 worth of gifts each tax year without them being added to the value of the estate. This exemption can be carried forward one year if not fully utilised.

Small Gifts Exemption: Gifts of up to £250 per person per year to any number of people are exempt.Gifts Out of Income: Regular gifts made out of your income that do not affect your standard of living can be exempt, underlining the benefit of planning and documentation.

The strategic use of these gifting rules can significantly reduce the value of an estate over time, thereby lowering the IHT liability.


Trusts serve as a versatile tool in the realm of estate planning, offering a means to manage and protect assets while potentially mitigating IHT liability. By placing assets into a trust, individuals can specify conditions under which the assets are distributed, providing control over their estate's future distribution and protection for the beneficiaries.

Discretionary Trusts: Allow trustees, who could be family members or trusted advisers, to make decisions about how and when the assets within the trust are distributed to beneficiaries. A discretionary trust is particularly useful for controlling the distribution of assets to minors or family members who may not be financially savvy.

Interest in Possession Trusts: Provide beneficiaries with an immediate right to the income generated from the trust, although the underlying assets remain within the trust structure. Interest in possession trusts are often used to provide for a surviving spouse while preserving the estate's capital for future generations.

Bare Trusts: Essentially, assets in a bare trust are held in the name of a trustee but are legally owned by the beneficiaries from the outset. This straightforward approach is often employed for gifts to children, allowing for assets to be managed until they reach adulthood.

The strategic application of trusts can effectively reduce IHT liability by removing assets from the estate. However, it's important to note that trusts themselves can be subject to taxation, and the rules can be complex. The choice of trust, timing of transfers, and the trust's terms must be carefully considered to align with overall estate planning objectives.

how to avoid inheritance tax

Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance policies can play a crucial role in inheritance tax planning, particularly when structured properly to ensure the policy proceeds are not included in the estate for IHT purposes.

Writing Life Policies in Trust: By writing a life insurance policy in trust, the policy's proceeds are paid directly to the beneficiaries rather than becoming part of the estate. This approach not only keeps the payout outside the scope of IHT but can also provide a quick financial resource for beneficiaries to cover any immediate expenses, including IHT liabilities.

Whole of Life Policies: These policies are designed to last for the policyholder's lifetime, with a guaranteed payout upon death, providing a predictable means to cover potential IHT bills. The premiums paid into whole of life policies, particularly when written in trust, represent an effective method to decrease the estate's value subject to IHT.

Integrating life insurance into an IHT planning strategy requires a nuanced understanding of the policy options and tax implications. Consulting with a financial adviser is key to ensuring that life insurance policies complement other estate planning efforts effectively.

Charitable Donations

Charitable donations not only reflect personal values and philanthropic goals but also offer a strategic advantage in reducing IHT liability.

Reducing IHT Rate: If you leave at least 10% of your net estate to charity in your will, the IHT rate on the remainder of the estate is reduced from 40% to 36%. This can be an attractive option for those inclined towards charitable giving, allowing for a significant portion of the estate to benefit chosen charities while also reducing the overall tax burden.

Strategic Bequests: Planning charitable bequests as part of an estate's overall IHT planning strategy requires careful consideration to ensure that donations align with personal philanthropic goals while optimising tax efficiency.

Charitable donations within estate planning underscore the potential to leave a lasting legacy that extends beyond financial support to loved ones, embracing broader philanthropic aspirations.

Spousal and Civil Partner Exemptions

One of the most straightforward yet powerful mechanisms for IHT mitigation lies in the exemptions provided for assets passed between spouses and civil partners. In England, any assets transferred to a spouse or civil partner are exempt from IHT, regardless of value. This exemption not only facilitates the seamless transfer of wealth between partners but also plays a crucial role in estate planning by:

Transferring Unused Nil-Rate Band and Residence Nil-Rate Band: Upon the death of the first spouse, any portion of their NRB and RNRB not used can be transferred to the surviving spouse. This effectively doubles the surviving spouse's NRB and RNRB, potentially allowing a combined tax-free allowance of up to £1 million, given the current thresholds.

Utilising these exemptions requires careful estate planning, including the strategic allocation of assets and the proper documentation to ensure that both NRB and RNRB are maximised. This strategy underscores the importance of wills and estate planning documents that clearly articulate the distribution of assets and the utilisation of available exemptions.

Invest in IHT-Exempt Assets

Investing in certain assets can offer a path to significant IHT savings. Assets that qualify for Business Relief (BR) are particularly notable for their potential to be passed on free of IHT if held for at least two years before death. Investments that can qualify for BR include:

Shares in qualifying AIM-listed companies: Not all AIM-listed shares qualify for BR, so selection must be done with care.

Ownership stakes in unlisted companies: Direct investments in qualifying private companies can also offer BR, provided they are not mainly holding investments.

Certain types of partnerships and sole proprietor businesses: Depending on the business's nature, these can also provide a valuable avenue for IHT efficiency.

Investing in BR-qualifying assets requires a nuanced understanding of the rules and risks involved, including considerations of business viability, market fluctuations, and the specific criteria for BR eligibility. These investments should be approached as part of a diversified estate planning strategy, balancing potential IHT benefits against overall investment risk.

The Role of Independent Financial Advisers

The complexity of IHT planning, with its myriad rules, exemptions, and strategic considerations, underscores the value of professional advice. An independent financial adviser (IFA) or estate planning expert can offer invaluable assistance by:

Providing Tailored Strategies: Customised advice based on an individual’s or couple’s unique financial situation, goals, and estate planning needs.
Navigating Complex Regulations: Expert guidance through the intricate landscape of tax laws and estate planning strategies, ensuring compliance while optimising for tax efficiency.
Ongoing Support and Review: Estate planning is not a "set and forget" process. Professional advisers can offer ongoing support, adjusting strategies as laws change and personal circumstances evolve.

Seeking professional advice ensures that estate planning and IHT strategies are not only effective but also aligned with the broader financial goals and legacy aspirations of individuals and couples.

Inheritance Tax England

Navigating inheritance tax in England requires a comprehensive approach, leveraging spousal exemptions, strategic investments, and the myriad of available strategies to minimise tax liabilities. From making informed decisions about gifts and trusts to understanding the nuances of life insurance and charitable donations, each aspect of estate planning offers an opportunity to reduce IHT impact. Central to these efforts is the role of professional advice, providing the expertise and guidance necessary to navigate this complex landscape effectively.
Early and informed planning, underpinned by expert advice, is key to ensuring that assets are passed on according to wishes, maximising the value for beneficiaries and minimising the IHT burden. By taking proactive steps today, individuals and couples can secure their financial legacy for tomorrow, providing peace of mind and financial security for generations to come.

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